Wednesday, June 11, 2008


What is arsenic?
Arsenic is a non-metallic element found naturally in the earth's crust. It is odorless and tasteless and in its organic form, found in natural water sources, is not poisonous to the body. However, taken in excess or in inorganic forms used industrially, it can be very poisonous to the body.

Some information about arsenic:

-Main constituent in more than 200 minerals
-Metalloid naturally occurring in the earth’s crust
-Odorless and tasteless
-Occurs in rocks, soil, water and air
-Classified as a carcinogen (substance that induces cancer)
-Volcanic activity is most significant source of natural arsenic
-Occurs in crystalline, powder, amorphous or vitreous forms
-Many names and forms depending on environment
-Inorganic arsenic from factories is most harmful

Where is arsenic found?
-Naturally occurring arsenic in ground water
-Tobacco smoke
-Burning preserved wood
-Additive in poultry and swine feed
-Use in pesticides has left large tracts of agricultural land contaminated
-Meat, poultry, dairy products and cereals
-Fruit and fruit juice, sugar and candy, fats and oils

Effects of arsenic poisoning:
-Heart arrhythmia and death associated with arsenic in ground water
-Increased risk of lung, internal organ and skin cancers
-Complications in pregnancy/Still births
-Cardiovascular disease
-Respiratory disease
-Chronic exposure (>0.75mg/m3 per year) shown to lead to black foot disease and peripheral artery disease
-Hyperkeratosis and changes in skin pigmentation

How do I rid my body of arsenic?
-Consuming garlic has been shown to help flush the body of arsenic. It will be naturally secreted through urine.
-Chelation therapy
-Water filters are a great way to keep many different heavy metals our of your body.

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