Thursday, June 12, 2008

Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms

Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms, also known as Agaricus Blazei Murill, are becoming ver popular throughout the world. Originally discovered in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Japanese quickly began importing it after seeing the effects it had on the native’s health, who call it, Cogmelo de Deus, “Mushroom of God.” Because of its growing popularity as a result of its health benefits, these mushrooms are now being harvested in Japan, Korea, and the United States. The polysaccaride, beta glucan, within the mushroom produce its beneficial properties. These beneficial properties are currently being studied and used by oncologists in Japan and California to help treat tumors.

Why are these mushrooms so popular?
- It has been used to treat a multitude of diseases like atherosclerosis, hepatitis, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), diabetes, dermatitis and cancer.
- It has immunomodulatory and antimutagenic properties.
- The extract has been shown to improve liver function in patients with Hepatitis B.
- They also have a natural anti-tumor effect.

Daily uses for Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms:
There are many websites and health and wellness stores that sell Agaricus Blazei pills and powder for:
- Enhancement of immune function
- Prevention of diseases
- Promotes building of helper T-cells (Which go after disease in our body)
- Herbal supplements

Are there any contraindications?
- There have been no published contraindications for this product, and because it is all natural, and beneficial to a person's health, it has become one of the most sought after herbal supplements in the world.

Where can I find Agaricus Blazei Murill?
- Many other websites and on-line stores by performing a Google search for Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms.

For more info checkout:
- The Oxford Journals on Medicinal Mushrooms Agaricus Blazei Murill.

- The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

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