Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Unlike some of the other heavy metals that we have covered so far, beryllium is considered a light metal. Beryllium is a hard, grayish metal found in mineral rocks, coal soil, and volcanic ash. It is strong, light-weight, but brittle, alkaline earth metal often used as a hardening agent in alloys.

What are the common uses of Beryllium?
Beryllium is used in the aerospace industry in high speed jets, missiles, and space craft because of its lightweight yet strong properties. Beryllium is also used as an alloy to make Beryllium Copper, a strong conductor of electricity, for spot welding electrodes and electrical contact springs. Beryllium has also been used in X-ray machines to filter out visible light allowing only x-rays to pass through.

How is one exposed to Beryllium?
People come into contact with beryllium in a variety of way but the most common are through inhalation and skin exposure. Most people are never exposed to excessive amount of beryllium in the air but those who work in or live near factories where beryllium is used may develop problems from long term exposure. Chronic beryllium exposure can lead to respiratory problems that resemble pneumonia, or acute lung damage. About 1-15% of people develop a disease called CBD (Chronic Beryllium Disease). This disease develops after years of excessive exposure (greater that .5 micrograms per cubic meter) and can make one feel weak and tired. It also results in anorexia, weight loss, and may also lead to right side heart enlargement and heart disease in advanced cases. Beryllium inhalation has also been linked to increased risk of lung cancer.
Skin contact with beryllium where there is an open wound can lead to rashes, ulcers, or bumps under the skin called granulomas.

How can beryllium be detected in the body?
A simple blood test administered by a doctor or a urine test can show whether or not you have been exposed to beryllium, these tests, however, do not show levels of beryllium in the body. A lung tissue sample test is the only way to show the exact level of beryllium in the body.

Ridding the body of beryllium:
Usually when beryllium is ingested it goes straight through your system and is excreted through the urine because very little is actually absorbed in the stomach or small intestine. Beryllium that is inhaled though can take many month to be completely cleansed from the body and in cases of long term exposure, some effects may be permanent.

For more information on beryllium, check out these sites:
-Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry

Monday, June 23, 2008


What are Zeolites?
Zeolites are naturally occurring hydrated aluminosilicate minerals with a honeycomb molecular structure. They are formed where volcanic rocks and ash and react with alkali groundwater. Currently opening mining techniques in Arkansas are used to harvest natural zeolites.

What can zeolites do for me?
Zeolites are used as ion-exchange beds in water purification on domestic and public scales. They are also used in the medical community to purify oxygen by trapping impurities. Currently, the largest corporate use of zeolite is in laundry detergents.
Recently, liquid zeolite has been developed to be used as a detoxification agent.

Liquid Zeolite:
Liquid zeolite works because natural zeolite has a negative charge and when consumed, bonds with harmful heavy metals that are positively charged. The zeolites are then flushed out of the body through the urine.

To make liquid zeolite, natural zeolites are pulverized into a fine powder and purified by removing toxins from the volcanic ash. This form of zeolite is on the market as a natural cellular defense. Because liquid zeolite is an all-natural supplement, it is considered very safe and cannot be overtaken like some supplements meant for the same use.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


All about Cadmium:
Cadmium is an abundant transition metal with a soft, bluish-white appearance and naturally occurring in the earth's crust. Cadmium is malleable, soft, and very toxic, known to cause cancer and often found in zinc stores. Cadmium is also found combined with oxides, sulfides, and other carbonates. People with poor nutrition or those who do not get enough iron in their diet tend to have cadmium stay in the body longer.

Types of Exposure:

How does Cadmium get into my body?
-Cigarette smoke
-Air from smelting and refining metals
-Air where fossil fuels are burned
-Ingesting fungicide
-Battery acid
-Fruits and vegetables planted in cadmium rich soil
-Shellfish and organ meats

Effects of Poisoning:
-Kidney, lung and intestinal damage
-Birth defects (Low birth weight, learning disorders)
-Fragile bones

What are the symptoms of poisoning from cadmium?
-Stomach ache

What tests can I do to detect cadmium in my body?
-A doctor can perform a urine, blood or fingernail test

How do I rid my body of cadmium?
-Improve diet
-Stay away from cigarette smoke
-Test soil and drinking water

More Information about Cadmium:
-Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Sasa Bamboo Leaf

The Sasa Bamboo Leaf, also known as Zasa Bamboo, is grown in the Haikido Islands in Japan. It is a very strong antioxidant that has also been used to preserve food, especially sushi, for many days without refrigeration. This leaf is often combined with Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms as a nutrient supplement as well as enhancing immune system function.

There are many studies being conducted with sasa bamboo for its potential to retard tumor growth, its extract's anti-inflammatory capabilties, the leaf's ability to increase immune function, and how it protects the skin against rashes and fungus.

Currently most of the research on this plant is being conducted in Japan. However, you can get buy supplements containing sasa bamboo leaf and agaricus blazei mushrooms from Zeolite or Waiora's AgariGold. These products offer a variety of benefits including immune system enhancement, natural vitamins and minerals, increased energy, and protection against free radicals.
The Oxford Journals

Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms

Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms, also known as Agaricus Blazei Murill, are becoming ver popular throughout the world. Originally discovered in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Japanese quickly began importing it after seeing the effects it had on the native’s health, who call it, Cogmelo de Deus, “Mushroom of God.” Because of its growing popularity as a result of its health benefits, these mushrooms are now being harvested in Japan, Korea, and the United States. The polysaccaride, beta glucan, within the mushroom produce its beneficial properties. These beneficial properties are currently being studied and used by oncologists in Japan and California to help treat tumors.

Why are these mushrooms so popular?
- It has been used to treat a multitude of diseases like atherosclerosis, hepatitis, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), diabetes, dermatitis and cancer.
- It has immunomodulatory and antimutagenic properties.
- The extract has been shown to improve liver function in patients with Hepatitis B.
- They also have a natural anti-tumor effect.

Daily uses for Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms:
There are many websites and health and wellness stores that sell Agaricus Blazei pills and powder for:
- Enhancement of immune function
- Prevention of diseases
- Promotes building of helper T-cells (Which go after disease in our body)
- Herbal supplements

Are there any contraindications?
- There have been no published contraindications for this product, and because it is all natural, and beneficial to a person's health, it has become one of the most sought after herbal supplements in the world.

Where can I find Agaricus Blazei Murill?
- TheGreenPharmacy.com
- Mitobi.com
- AgaricusFarm.com
- Many other websites and on-line stores by performing a Google search for Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms.

For more info checkout:
- The Oxford Journals on Medicinal Mushrooms Agaricus Blazei Murill.

- The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine


What is nickel?

A naturally occurring hard, silvery-white metal that is found in all soil including volcanic soil and the ocean floor; often combined with other metals to create alloys.

How am I exposed to nickel?
- Ingestion
- Inhalation
- Skin contact

What are the symptoms of exposure?
- Allergic reaction
*Skin rash
*Asthma attack
- Chronic bronchitis

What are the results of over exposure?
- Chronic bronchitis
- Impaired lung function
- May lead to cancer in lungs and nasal sinus with prolonged exposure

Poisonous Levels:
- > 0.05mg/cm3 per week

How do I come into contact with nickel?
- Food containing nickel
- Skin contact
- Soil
- Tobacco smoke containing nickel
- Bath or shower water
- Metals containing nickel
- Coins or touching jewelry containing nickel

How is nickel detected in the body?
- Urine
- Feces
- Blood

Treatment for nickel poisoning:
- Naturally secreted from body
- Chelation therapy in extreme cases


Never heard of antimony?
Don't worry, before I started this research, neither had I. Antimony is a metalloid, an element that has physical properties of a metal but reacts like non-metal, that is currently being used as a semi-conductor in diodes, infrared sensors, and as an alloy with lead to make it stronger.

How does antimony get into my body?
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Skin Contact

What are the symptoms of exposure?
- Eye, skin, and lung irritation
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting

Results of Poisoning:
- Heart Problems
- Lung problems (pneumoconiosis)
- Stomach ulcers
- Death (With heavy exposure over several days)

How much is poisonous?
- > 9 ppm through inhalation
- > 19 ppm through ingestion

What is antimony used for?
- Used for flame proofing
- Batteries
- Paints
- Ceramics
- Rubber
- Matches
- Plumbing

How can I get tested for antimony exposure?
- Can be tested for several days after exposure/cannot tell how much antimony body das been exposed to.
- Blood
- Urine
- Feces

For more information, check out these sources:
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
- Wikipedia
- Encyclopedia Britannica

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


What is lead?
A transitional metal with a bluish-white color in its natural solid form and shiny chrome silver when melted. Lead has been used for weapons and tools for hundreds of years because of its malleability.

How am I exposed to lead?
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Usually occurs with prolonged or repeated exposure

Results of lead poisoning:
- Damage to internal organs
- Kidney failure
- Brain and Spinal Cord damage

Symptoms of lead poisoning:
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Abdominal pain
- Elevated blood pressure
- Reproductive problems
- Anemia

How do I come into contact with lead?
- Lead base paint (Used before 1977)
- Soil in urban areas
- Playground soil
- Drinking water
- Dust
- Leaded gasoline
- Foreign cosmetics

- Chelation therapy with DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid)
Given every 8 hours for 12 days and then every 12 hours for the next 2 weeks.


What is Mercury?
Mercury is a transition metal that occurs naturally throughout the world. It is often referred to as quicksilver because of its silver, liquid appearance. Mercury comes in two forms, its insoluble form is harmless to humans however, its soluble ,such as mercuric chloride, is very poisonous

How am I exposed to mercury?
- Ingestion
- Inhalation
- Skin contact

What are symptoms of mercury poisoning?
- Mercury poisoning can take up to 1 month to see effects
- Paresthesias
- Headaches
- Ataxia
- Visual field constriction
- Hearing impairment

Reults of mercury poisoning:
- Mercury causes damage to the central nervous system and should be treated by a doctor immediately·

How much is too much?
- Mercury blood levels greater than 10µg/L.
- Can only be detected by commercial laboratory.
- Urine analysis is not an effective means of testing for mercury poisoning.

How do I come into contact with mercury?
- Seafood
- Alkali and metal processing
- Incineration of coal
- Thermometers
- Fluorescent light bulbs
- Dental amalgam fillings

Treatment for mercury poisoning:
- See physician as soon as possible
- Chelation (Detoxamin)

More Info on protection and disposal of mercury
- http://www.calpoison.org/public/mercury.html
- http://www.cdc.gov/


What is arsenic?
Arsenic is a non-metallic element found naturally in the earth's crust. It is odorless and tasteless and in its organic form, found in natural water sources, is not poisonous to the body. However, taken in excess or in inorganic forms used industrially, it can be very poisonous to the body.

Some information about arsenic:

-Main constituent in more than 200 minerals
-Metalloid naturally occurring in the earth’s crust
-Odorless and tasteless
-Occurs in rocks, soil, water and air
-Classified as a carcinogen (substance that induces cancer)
-Volcanic activity is most significant source of natural arsenic
-Occurs in crystalline, powder, amorphous or vitreous forms
-Many names and forms depending on environment
-Inorganic arsenic from factories is most harmful

Where is arsenic found?
-Naturally occurring arsenic in ground water
-Tobacco smoke
-Burning preserved wood
-Additive in poultry and swine feed
-Use in pesticides has left large tracts of agricultural land contaminated
-Meat, poultry, dairy products and cereals
-Fruit and fruit juice, sugar and candy, fats and oils

Effects of arsenic poisoning:
-Heart arrhythmia and death associated with arsenic in ground water
-Increased risk of lung, internal organ and skin cancers
-Complications in pregnancy/Still births
-Cardiovascular disease
-Respiratory disease
-Chronic exposure (>0.75mg/m3 per year) shown to lead to black foot disease and peripheral artery disease
-Hyperkeratosis and changes in skin pigmentation

How do I rid my body of arsenic?
-Consuming garlic has been shown to help flush the body of arsenic. It will be naturally secreted through urine.
-Chelation therapy
-Water filters are a great way to keep many different heavy metals our of your body.

Who I am...

My name is Jay, I am a senior at the University of Central Oklahoma finishing up my last requirement so that I can graduate and start physical therapy school this fall. In order to fulfill my graduation requirements, I am interning with the JTT Company for 8 weeks. During this time I will be researching various elements of wellness including heavy metals in the body, chelation therapy, ways to keep the body in good overall health, and marketing for the JTT Company that I may use someday for my own facility. The following posts are a reflection of the work I have finished thus far and hope that they will serve to aid people in learning about total body wellness. Thank you for visiting this site, and enjoy.